by Russell Webb | Oct 12, 2016 | Family Friendly, Green Season, Victoria Falls Activities and Attractions, Victoria Falls News
Eagerly awaiting the Green Season in Zimbabwe. ; Eagerly awaiting the Green Season in Zimbabwe. As the end of a very long and hot dry season, I am filled with anticipation at the thought of the upcoming rains and the abundance they will bring. This is my...
by Russell Webb | Oct 12, 2016 | Community and Conservation, Eco Tourism, Family Friendly, Victoria Falls Activities and Attractions
Meet our People: ‘Khule’ ; Meet our People: ‘Khule’ Mkhulekelwa Ndlovu or ‘Khule’ for short was born 44yrs ago in a small village in Matabeleland. As the last born of a family of 9 Khule was designated the sole cattle minder. He first went to school at the age...
by Russell Webb | Aug 13, 2016 | Family Friendly, Things to do in Victoria Falls, Victoria Falls Activities and Attractions
The High Wire Hand Book ; Canopy Tour – Spectacular views make for great photo opportunities. The High Wire Hand Book Over the course of our lives, human beings are taught a series of lessons aimed at keeping us safe and out of harm’s way. Don’t run with scissors,...