Wanderlust & Workouts 
A holiday is the reward for your body and mind after weeks, months and maybe even years of hard work. The key to healthy and happy holiday is finding a balance between the poolside cocktails/morning pastries, and an exercise regime that helps you stay fit and feel good. Your holiday is about true enjoyment, and so your workouts should be too. Travel is one of the best exercises for the mind, and our soon-to-open gym is one of the best places to exercise your body.
The Elephant Camp will embark on extensive renovations in 2019, signifying the most substantial enhancement project since its inception. In order to fully execute and expedite the renovation, Main Camp will be closed from 28 January ’19 (The Elephant Camp West will remain open with a compliment of 6 rooms). The refreshed Elephant Camp will see the addition of a luxury spa and gym. Temporarily closing Main Camp will allow the design team to complete the renovations as quickly as possible and allow guests to return to our African paradise on 11 March ’19. Craig White will lead the renovation program, bringing with him extensive knowledge of the camp, its structure, history and unique surroundings. This renovation is a testament to The Elephant Camp’s commitment to providing unmatched luxury accommodation, the highest level of service and the modern facilities that appeal to todays luxury global traveller.
The Elephant Camp gym will be well lit, well equipped and wellness inspiring. We have put together a list of what you can expect to find, and how best to use it.
Stationary bike
The stationary bike is somewhat of an all rounder when it comes to training- it tones your legs, arms, bum, thighs, abdominal and back muscles. I has wonderful benefits for our bodies as well as our minds. When we perform cardio workouts, our minds release hormones that can make us feel more confident and happy, and less stressed or anxious. It is extremely effective against bad cholesterol and is a great fat burner.
Elliptical Trainer
The Elliptical trainer is ideal for people who want to get a full body workout into a short space of time. These machines work the legs, chest, shouders, back and arms and effective circuits can be completed in as little as 20 minutes! It is a great workout if you don’t have a lot of time before you set off exploring Victoria Falls. It is also the best machine to use if you suffer from any injuries, as it is due to its low impact motions, fluid motions.
When you are running either outside or on a treadmill, you burn calories and get a lot of leg muscle recruitment. However, when you use the elliptical, you can work the upper and lower body at the same time. Elliptical machines work the legs, chest, shoulders, back and arms. With this machine, you can complete a full-body workout in as little as 20 minutes. Your feet are in constant contact with the foot pedals so that they glide in a swinging pattern with the leg bars. With a whole body workout every time you step on the machine, you can be sure that you are maximizing your time while meeting your fitness goals.
Skipping ropes
Skipping is one of the most fun and effective ways to lose weight and work up a sweat. This is a hard work, but high reward exercise, as one hour of skipping can burn up to 1300 calories! Studies have shown that the effort it takes to skip for ten minutes can have the same healthy benefits as a 45 minute run. This full body workout uses your abdominals to stabalise your body, legs for jumping, shoulders and arms for turning he rope. Although its high intensity, you can adjust the level of difficulty to meet your fitness level by keeping the pace slow. Who would have thought that a skipping rope enjoyed by people of all ages could improve your heart rate and blood pressure, increase flexibility, and aid coordination and balance!
Weights and a set of dumbells
Weight training is an effective way to burn fat and build muscle. It has been shown to improve moods, control blood sugar, and halt muscle loss. Strength training might just be the best exercise you can do on holiday because after a workout, it takes a lot of energy for your body to return to the state it was before you went to the gym. Some studies have shown that this can boost your metabolism for up to 38 hours after you finish your workout (so you can feel even less guilty about indulging at our five star restaurant later on)
The gym will also have an adjustable weight bench, and interlocking floor rubber mats. Personal health and wellness is a growing worldwide trend, and our new gym is a step in the right direction for this positive movement. The gym will be designed for people of every fitness level. It is a space to work up a sweat and conquer the mental barrier claiming that holidays are unhealthy. The scenery doesn’t have to be the only thing that takes your breath away during your stay at The Elephant Camp. Leave us feeling relaxed, empowered, healthy and happy. Your body is yours to spend your life in, and you can take great care of it even while on holiday with us.
Written by Jess White for The Elephant Camp & Wild Horizons
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